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Writing The Impossible Engineers
Writing The Impossible Engineers happened during one of the more difficult times in my life. I had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and was on a drug routine that was less than pleasant. Though I had completed the Doorknob Society in some ways it was much harder to write Impossible Engineers.
I knew the story line I was using for the books and where each of the characters were headed. But I also knew that things have a way of working out differently than planned. In the first book I had settled for the moment the relationship between Chloe and another main character One which I knew was destined to be strained in book 2.

Which of course left things open for everyone’s favorite bad boy James Nightshade to make a move. I will not spoil it for anyone who has yet to read the book but I think Nightshade acquitted himself well in Book 2. Though I was in the middle of treatment and physically it was a struggle at times to write. I found myself relishing the story and the characters in Book 2. Every one of them was able to have a good moment and shine. Which is something of an accomplishment with such a large cast.
The Impossible Engineers also sets up a great deal of plot lines that will be carried through out the entire series. I had wanted to include some of the tidbits and scenes that will be important later in Book 1. But they didn’t fit properly and I found that I could use them to more affect in this book.
In the end Book 2 is one of my favorite of the series with a cliff hanger ending that I still get messages about from fans.
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