Posted by Chloe in Chloe's Blog | 0 Comments
Paladin Academy

New school year same old problems, here I am minding my own business when someone has to go and make a wise crack about Eddies goggles. Look, I know he doesnt have to wear them all the time. But regardless people leave the boy alone about the damn goggles, he has a hard enough time keeping his hair under control as it is, at least the goggles make it managable. Plus I don’t hear anyone complaining about all the spectacular maps he makes using those things.
I’ll give Paladin Academy credit for all the crazy classes they have me taking this year. I mean when the heck am I going to need to know about temporal mechanics and the civil war? I don’t see that coming up in many job interviews do you?
I swear I think this year I am outnumbered in every class two to one by Guilders. I mean is that even possible??