Sep 26, 2012
Posted by Fletch in Books | 8 Comments
The Mapmakers Union on Sale!
What a long strange trip its been, but I am happy to finally announce that The Mapmakers Union is now available on Kindle. I will be posting when it is on all other formats as well.
Updated! It is now ready for all formats and we will have several reviews coming out in the following days. I hope everyone enjoys and leave a comment if you feel up to it.

the 3rd book is grat i could not put it down. i can’t wait until the next one thank you
Thank you I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. I will post as soon as we have a release date for book 4. In the meantime in the next week or so we’ll be releasing a novella of DS short stories.
that is great i want my son to read your books but i only have 1 nook but when he does he will enjoy them too he is 13 and a football player but he loves to read and it is b/c of people like you who give something very special in their books that makes that happen and i want to thank you so very much and to keep up the good work
Just read all three books and LOVED them. So excited for the last two to come out. Do you know when the fourth will be released!!?
Book 4 is due for release in the beginning of 2013, hoping for January but it may get pushed to February. As soon I have a date I will post about it.
A novella of short stories will also be out soon and I should have information on that shortly.
Hi, when is the Skelton key guild coming out?
SKG should be out in May. 🙂
Great! Thanks!