Graphic Novels

Though the Doorknob Society was conceived as a book series it has always had a part in the comic book world as well. Early on I made the choice to pursue DS in comic form, it made sense having been a comic book writer. But from it’s early foray into comics at the Small  Press Idol contest DS did well garnering a cover slot in Mysterious Visions Anthology.

It’s latest incarnation in DWP is a short that is consistent with the Saga and can be considered canon. More news will be coming soon about the adventures of DS in comics. Stay tuned…

Graphic Novel Appearances


Digital Webbing Presents

The Doorknob Society

 Buy DWP#7 featuring the Doorknob Society

Spacepig Hamadeus (cameo)

Doorknob Society cameo in Spacepig Hamadeus

Spacepig Hamadeus (DS Cameo)

Spacepig Hamadeus

Mysterious Visions Anthology (Cancelled)

This is from the original comic short for Doorknob Society. I’m happy to say this will soon be seeing the light of day in an upcoming release of new comic book material.

Page from the Doorknob Society
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