Posted by Fletch in Books, Grimm Chronicles | 5 Comments
Spin Off Series
The spin off series from the Doorknob Society Saga has a name, The League of Skull & Bones. I’ve been writing the spin off series for a few weeks now and I am really enjoying it. Getting to introduce new characters while still getting to play with established ones is fun.
One of the main characters of the new series is someone who I am having such fun with. His Name is Ronan and I think you’re all going to enjoy meeting him. He is introduced quickly and seems to know more about our lead then they do. Just how is that and what is the mysterious League of Skull and Bones?
But I suppose the real question is just who is the lead character in the spin off series? Well if I were to let you all know that would give away some of the surprises that happen in The Skeleton Key Guild. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give some clues.
Clue 1. The lead has been in all of the books so far.
Clue 2. They have been in a relationship in the books. (Not saying with who, how long it lasted, or if they remain together)
Clue 3. They are very skilled at using their abilities.
Well let’s hear your guesses below! I may even answer a few questions about the lead if they are phrased right.

I think it is Edgar!!!!
Edgar 🙂
He is a popular choice. Does that mean Val should be in it as well?
Yess!!!! Edgar and Val are so cute together and Edgar would most definitely make a wonderful leader- Especially because of his awesome display of power in the Mapmakers Union!!!!
Edgar is a rock star and don’t forget he got his own short story in Cape Beanery Chronicles. He does seem to be the one everyone is pointing too. HMMMMMMMMMM