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Steampunk, Young Adult and Thrillers Oh My!
Steampunk, Young Adult, thrillers and novellas are a few of the things I am currently working on. My new year has been rather busy so far, with a family vacation and all sorts of new writing.
First and foremost I am working on a new series of books. The overall series is titled, Into the Never, and I am well over a hundred pages into the first book. It is going very smoothly and I’m enjoying setting up a new world with characters who I am just getting to know. I think you’ll all enjoy the new scenarios and drama I’m planning on dragging these poor people through. Always remember no one is safe.
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I’ve also been going over the breakdown of the final book in the Grimm Chronicles, Order of the Fallen. I’ll begin writing that as soon as I finish the first two books in the new series. It will wrap up everything nicely and will also have a companion novella that will be released the same day. The novella will center on other characters than Jess, but the stories will run parallel.
As for some new steampunk news, the first in my new series of novellas, The Bigelow Diaries, will be coming out soon. Follow along to the adventures of Abraham Tiberius Bigelow and his cowgirl partner Elizabeth James. At the moment I have six novellas planned for the series. We’ll see what happens after that.
Finally also working on a thriller that I am very excited about it. I can’t say much yet but it revolves around a great character who makes me laugh. I know not what a thriller character usually does, but heck I like it.
Let me know what you think of the upcoming slate. Or if there is anything you’d like to see me work on in the comments below.